Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ava's 1st Recital and Silly Bandz

Last weekend was Ava's first dance recital.
She did a great job:)

Have you ever seen a picture of yourself and thought, "So that's what I look like?"
35 is creeping up on me!

And on another note, I don't know what I think of the silly bandz.

My kids and the neighbor kids will literally spend all afternoon laying them all out and trading them. Let me say they are not fighting over them, so that has not been a problem. I personally think they are pretty cute...bright colors and endless shapes... they are sort of/in a way little tiny pieces of (plastic) art. Anyway, I can see why they are such a hit.

I also know many of our local schools have banned them because of the distractions. My kids beg for more every day, although I have stuck to my original plan of only buying each child one pack. This is the biggest fad I have seen in a long time!

What do you think of them?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Urban Home Goods Swap

While I was on my blogging hiatus I spent quite a bit of time with my sewing machine. Here is one of the projects I made.

It had been a long time since I had done any on-line swaps, and I've never done any quilting swaps. I was excited to be a part of the Urban Home Goods Swap.

This was a secret swap, but we had access to our partners favorites and what kinds of things they would like. My partner really wanted a round table runner, so that's what I made her. I was really nervous because I could not find any tutorials on-line, so I made up the pattern as I went along. I actually will post a tutorial for it soon.

My favorite part was making the little scalloped edges above.
My partner really likes mushrooms and gnomes, and as soon as I saw the fabric above I had to order a yard of it. It's from here, and this lady is very sweet and super talented.
I ended up quilting it on my machine using a free form loopy.
I don't have a round table but I was kind of sad giving it up!:) It was really fun being challenged with something new.
And since my partner really loves mushrooms I felt compelled to make her this painting. I know it was a quilting swap but I really had fun making it.
Next time I'll show what my partner made me! It was really fun getting a surprize package in the mail. I'd like to do another swap soon.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm back

I'm back!!:) I want to show you one of my latest projects.
This is a four piece mosaic panel I've been working on for a very long time. I attribute my no blogging period to finally finishing it. It is now living up in North Carolina.
I used stained glass, mirror, tile, glass beads, and river rock pebbles. I love the brown/blue combo. It's so soothing.
Each piece measured approximately 12" x 24".
It is meant to be hung but I photographed it on the floor. It feels good to have this project finished and sent off!:)
I've decided to take on some advertising spaces. If you have a blog, etsy business, website, etc. that you would like to promote, I will be accepting ad spaces for $15 a month. Please email me at for more info if you are interested.
I am so happy to be back in the blogging world. I'll be back on Monday to show you some more of my completed projects. Have a blessed weekend!:)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

You HAVE to read this...

I've had lots of conversations about child-rearing lately with friends. It seems like as mothers we are concerned about one major issue:
making sure that our children our successful.
That's a great thing, right? We want our children to do well in school, to do well in sports, to achieve great things. We want them to get into a good college, find a high-paying job, make a difference in the world. We want them to be considered smart, attractive, intelligent people.

If you are like me and work hard to help your children achieve these goals, please read this book.
I had no idea that I NEEDED this book until I picked it up.

A person can be successful without coming close to being truly great. And wouldn't we all rather aim our children toward true greatness?
"We're going to invest 20 years of our lives and spend tons of money preparing our kids for the future. Why not prepare them for a life that dwarfs the goals of those who are merely successful? Why not groom our children for true greatness?"

We are talking about raising our children to be authentically kind and generous. Children who will become adults that want to serve others.

We need to raise kids who know how to make a life, not just a living.

Oh, and if you are anything like me, you will need some guidance on how to raise children to love God and love others. Because I need a lot of help on that. So if you read this book be expected to make a lot of harsh realizations about yourself. Because I got hit with lots of things. And now I am working on becoming a better person myself.

This book is meant to change you for the better.

...and that's all I've got for now. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Roses for You

Oh, how I miss all my blogging friends.
Without my computer I have been able to complete so many projects, but alas, still cannot share them with you. We should be buying a new computer in the next couple of weeks, and I cannot wait.

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers out there. I hope you have a blessed weekend!