Thursday, September 13, 2012

The time has come...

I'm closing shop.
And the beloved blog.

I started this blog almost four years ago and it has been such an amazing blessing and journey.
What a gift to have this visual journal that I will be printing to have forever and always.
What growth and gifts I have found, what friends I have made, what support I have received.
But, I'm moving on to something new.

I have felt the shift coming for awhile.
While I was painting the mural I felt a creative urge that was new to me.
I realized I was sort of stuck in the artistic situation I am currently in.

I'm ready to move on to something new.
No, I am not exactly sure what that is.
I want to paint.
I want to paint big.
I want to paint in the glory of God's name.
...I'm not sure if I'll be starting a new blog and/or etsy shop eventually, or what that means exactly.
But we will see!  :)

So guess what?
My shop and blog will remain on-line and open for two more weeks before I close them down.
That means everything in my shop is on sale.
Yes, everything.
If you want a custom name pillow, now is the time to order.
All prints, all wood pieces, all pillows and checkbook covers etc...
Everything is 20% with a $5 flat rate shipping fee.
Use this code:  CULATER
and I will refund you any extra shipping charges.

Thank you for all your support and friendship these last few years.
You can still find me updating my instagram regularly @chrissiegrace,
and my Facebook page will be updated regularly as I move into the next phase.

Hugs and kisses and may God bless you... :)


Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm in love with this girl...

When I was  pregnant with Ava I had already had two sons and was fully expecting to be pregnant with another boy.   When I went in for my ultrasound and the tech told me she was a "she" I cried tears of joy.
What a blessing it has been to have a daughter.

You know how some days you go through life and every day is another day.  A busy day full of activities and commitments...a day where things need to be done and you do your best to get it all done.

Some special days you are awestruck by the beauty around you and the blessings you have.
The other day I marveled at what a special little girl God has given to us. 

She's kind and funny.  She's sassy and smart.
She's sensitive but tough.  She worries about other people's feelings.
She cries when things don't go her way.
She loves art and dancing and babies.
She's fun to be with.

I would be lying if I said I never worried.
I want to keep her six...sweet and innocent and naive.
I don't want the world to get to her.
I give it up to God.
I pray for guidance to help her become a strong, confident woman.

I love every age she has been.
I look forward to every age she will become.
I imagine her at 10, 12, 16, 18...
I am excited for the wonderful life she has to create.

I love this girl... very, very much.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm finished! :)

I'm excited to share with you the finished mural in my home.
It certainly was a labor of love... and I enjoyed every minute of it. what's next?  ;)


Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Monday

It's always a happier week to start with Monday as a holiday, isn't it?
We had a family beach day yesterday and it was amazing.
I'm hoping to finish off my mural today...we'll see how that goes!

I made a couple of cute wooden houses.
They can be shelf sitters, or there is a hook on the back to hang as well.
I left the doors so I can customize them for number or family name would be cute.
They measure approximately 12" x 15".

You can find them here.  :)

Happy Labor Day everyone!
