Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm a winner!

Do you see this precious and lovable 2 3/4 year old daughter of mine? She loves her little brother...

Look how sweet and innocent she is, napping with her balloon...
My little ballerina loves to get into things.
I won't make a list today:)
But the above picture is not the beginning. No sir-ree...
I'll make a long story short.
We had a tub of vaseline on the kitchen counter this week for poor little chapped noses and lips, and I'll give you one guess who grabbed it when I wasn't looking.
I'm not going to name names, but she proceeded to open the economy size and put almost the whole thing
No, I'm not joking.
Just in case this ever happens to your children with very fine, very blond hair, Google says to put cornstarch in it before washing it with dishwashing detergent.
Now I know I don't have to mention to be sure to put the cornstarch away.
I won't name any names again, but I know a certain 2 3/4 year old girl who went back into the bathroom and dumped the rest of the cornstarch on her head.
And no, I'm not joking.
Remember, I'm the mom who can tell you what to do if any of your kids decided to put a peanut up their nose.
I'm the lucky winner from Liz at PrimOriginals.
I love, love her work. It's very whimsical and fun. She went me this super cute and pendant and two magnets, and the little clip that I already attached to my purse.
It surely put a smile on my face today when it came in the mail.

All right, more art tomorrow.
I'm finally working again:)


  1. I cant wait to get my ARTWORK up, It is just GORGEOUS! I am not sure if you saw the post on it!:) Thanks again!!!! SO MUCH!

  2. HI!!!!!!!! Just to say a HUGE thanks to you. Our prints arrived and my daughter thinks they are supercool. Thankyou for the card too. Very kind!

    Goodness, these little ones do keep you busy. My little girl is the same age as yours roughly.
    I know just what you mean about not leaving stuff out!!!!!

  3. Thanks for posting the pic of my pendant on your neck... it looks lovely on you!

    Your daughter is a riot (om, i'm sure you don't think so sometimes!)... She is adorable as all your kids are!

    :) liz

  4. You should sue the cornstarch people. The container says "no mess".


  5. She is so cute (they both are), but what a MESS! Right now I have a tornado for a 12 month old. Her 3 favorite things are toilets, garbage cans and the dog food/water bowls. She doesn't talk, but she's a genius when it comes to trashing the house. Fun Stuff! :)


    Love the new art work posted above!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)