Friday, February 6, 2009

Flashback Friday

It's Flashback Friday again!
I actually had to scrape ice off of the windshield this morning...but it's supposed to be back up to 74 degrees tomorrow!
I made these kitties and dog series last year. If anyone is interested, I can post some prints on my Etsy shop.
There are a few more that I'll post later.
I have a big weekend coming Open House Art Party tomorrow. I'll be back on Monday with lots and lots of pictures of this fun event.
Have a great weekend!


  1. This is a great site, I also love all the post you have on your site! I am also a Christian, that is one thing we have in common. Well, I just wanted to say I loved your site, I enjoyed it! :D

    Be sure to visit mine sometime:

    ~Alexis Furtak~

  2. oooh, an art party! that sounds like fun! enjoy your nice weather and have a great weekend! :)


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