Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mosaic Table

I'm joining Sanctuary Arts at Home Furniture Make-over Linky Party. Whoo-Hoo!!

I love looking at all the furniture make-overs in blogland. On my to-do list is a lamp, all of the doors in our house, and the kitchen cabinets. This is a mosaic table I made last year, it is featured in Tiles Gone Wild. It is a regular size kitchen table. I mosaic-ed the whole thing reminescent of a square quilt.
In the book are all the steps to do this project yourself. (A couple of them are pictured above.)
I have to say, it is a time-consuming project, but stunning. (If I do say so myself ;)


  1. That is stunning. Your hard work paid off.

  2. Ooo yes. Very nice. Now I want to see what you're going to do with your doors and cabinets!

    The Texas Woman

  3. O MI GOSH! I can't imagine the work that went into that! You really did a fantastic job! Thank you so much for joining in on the party and showing us your amazing talent! :) Jen

  4. wow!!! that is GORGEOUS!!!! I AM SO VERY IMPRESSED!

  5. I am so impressed and can't imagine how long it took you. But it so worth the work. It looks fantastic!!!! and a bit colorful:)

  6. Your work is fantastic! That must have taken forever, but it was so worth it :)


  7. Wow, that is absolutely amazing--and SO worth the effort!

  8. Beautiful table. Love the colors and the design.


  9. The first thing I thought was This Table needs to be on the front display at pier one! I love it!

  10. I would so love to so something like this with my table. It is already tiled, but looks more like a countertop instead of a beautiful piece of artwork like this.

    Hey if you ever take up teaching art again, feel free to drop by my blog and use whatever you like.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)