Sunday, March 15, 2009

Grace rules

I finished my house projects this weekend. This sucker is measures about 3 feet high and 2 feet across. I bought the original painting in the matte about 5 years ago. My husband never liked it. So I saved the matte and frame and embarked on a new painting. I decided on "Grace Rules". A fun and colorful way to remind our kids (and us) the things that our family stands for.

Every section is hand-painted and then I used lots and lots of scraps from my stash. Stickers, stamps, and rub-ons...

A found metal dragonfly...

Paper posies with buttons...

and a little bit of embroidery...
After 5 years of saving it the matte was in terrible shape. I covered up the dings with a scalloped border made of paper scraps...

Did I mention that I started this project before Jax was born? Which means it's been a work in progress for at least 7-8 months? Well, it certainly felt good to finish it, put it back in the frame, and hang it!

In my effort to be more frugal I haven't bought any arts or crafts supplies unless it was something I had to have for a commissioned piece, or the occasional purchase with my 40% off coupon. It feels really good to use up my stash!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. See you soon!


  1. What a gorgeous labor of love. Thanks for sharing that. I enjoy your blog so much, Robin

  2. oh, chrissie, this is fan-tast-ic!! this is one of those pieces of artwork that you could just look at all day long! and, what a fabulous way to use up your stash!! i love your idea of the scallops on the matte...very clever!! :)

  3. This is beautiful! I really want you do a personalized piece for me. I just need to decide what I want. LOL

  4. I absolutely love this!!!!!!!!

  5. That is AMAZING. Such detail.

  6. It is lovely and so meaningful. Only 7/8 months to do? Well done!

  7. This is just fabulous! Wow! The colours are great and the border is so cool.And the content is so clever too. Well worth the time it took you.

  8. Wow, this is a really beautiful idea! LOVE IT!!!
    You have really made something wonderful that I'm sure your children will cherish forever.

    Blessings, Tracy

  9. This is beautiful!


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