Sunday, March 8, 2009

It was a Gorgeous day!

I told you before that we are a family of beach bunnies. Today was Jax's first time at the beach. He loved the sand and his hat!
Sissy made lots and lots of sand castles...
Logan had his skinboard out in the water before I even had my flip-flops off!

Ashton didn't care that the water was 62 sir-ree...
I hope your weekend was as lovely as ours:)


  1. Lucky Ducks!!! your water was the temperature of our air! No beach for us quite yet ... our time will come, I'm SURE of it! The children are just gorgeous ... and JAX's in the coolest kiddie chair I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing. xoxo

  2. i would kill for beach weather!! very, very jealous!! beautiful children, cherish them. just caught your blog and etsy shop thru christi from 2ifbysea. looove your prints!!
    very positive and beautifully done.

  3. Hi Chrissie! Looks like you guys had a great day. Your kids are adorable! Do you live in Florida? I live in Jacksonville...
    Also, wanted to check and see if you still wanted to do my earring swap?

  4. Sweet children, especially that adorable Jax. Enjoy them - it goes so quickly.
    It may be daylight savings time but it certainly isn't beach weather in my area. Enjoy!


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