Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Recycling Cereal Boxes

Hi! Did you miss me?;)

I had a nasty dental procedure on Monday, and then on Tuesday I woke up to a broken modem.
The cable guy came out today and replaced it.

Anyway, I thought I would show you a great way to recycle some cereal boxes.
(Kimm does Trash to Treasure here for lots of other great ideas!)
I made this birthday card/book back in November for my Mom's 60th birthday. I used cereal boxes for the body. I drew out the shape of each page on a cereal box, and then covered each one with scrapbooking paper. I used my sewing machine to outline the edges with a decorative stitch.

Sorry about the picture quality. This is the front of the book. I used things I had in my scrapbooking stash. I wanted a lot of bright, happy colors.

When you open the first page you'll see lots of embellishments. Under the buttons are 2 wooden hearts with a flat-backed glass bead.

The print on the right is mine, and the print on the left is from Jen Lemen. I also put a tuquoise ribbon on there because my mom is an ovarian cancer survivor.

There is a picture of my mom on the right swimming with the dolphins at Discovery Cove. She really enjoyed that. On the left is a butterfly that my 8 year old drew her, and I made a pocket out of paper underneath that. I found a sticker that says Make a Wish to put on the pocket. I filled it with lots of positive affirmations.

The back page has pictures of all her grandchildren.
I punched holes on the sides and used those metal circle things (excuse my brain, I cannot remember what they are called!!), and then tied lots of pretty ribbon on them.
It was really fun to make.
Ok, you have to come back tomorrow. I have some very EXCITING news to share...
(and no, I'm not pregnant:)


  1. hi chrissie! yes, we missed you! i'm so glad that you're feeling better! the book that you made for your mother is such a did a wonderful job! :)

  2. holy freaking amazing idear!

  3. love it! I might start saving cereal boxes!

  4. thanks for the compliment - waiting for your big announcement!

  5. Beautiful, what a wonderful gift. thanks for linking to the party!


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