Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Earth Day and some rambling

Two posts in one day...and I thought I wouldn't have time for any this week!:)
Oh Friends, where does the day go?
I had grand plans today to just CREATE, ya know, make a few things. I've got all these ideas I'd like to come to fruition, but it didn't happen. I told you my house is turned upside down with renovations, and then when you throw in regular chores and four children, the day is gone. It's okay, because I know the time will come soon.

These custom sets have been an evolutionary process. Ten minutes here, ten minutes there, until I had 5 or 6 complete sets. I love this initial one with the name on the bow. You can order one here.

Speaking of my shop, I've been doing a lot of thinking about it. I have a hard time focusing on just one thing. I've always had my "She Said" prints in there, and then I've thrown in some magnets,cards, signed copies of the books, original pieces. I am now branching out to sewn items. My friend suggested that I may have more success if I concentrated on one type of item. However, I love to do all kinds of things. After thinking about it, I don't want to limit myself. My etsy shop is not supporting my family, but is rather an extension of the joy I have in creating. With the economy the way it is, I've decided to lower my prices. I will make a return (albeit a small one), but I hope to reach more customers that way. The joy for me comes in sharing what I love to do, and compensating myself is an added bonus.

With that said, I will slowly be adding items, and we'll see where things go from there.
Oh yeah, and in honor of Earth Day, you can get one of these prints today only for $5. Anyone doing anything neat to celebrate Earth Day? I'd like to do something different with my kiddos.

I'm off to take off baseboards...isn't renovation EXCITING!!:)


  1. You remind me of supermom and Martha Stewart all rolled into one, and what a great job you do!! You are soooo right, that time will come one day, it all goes so quick, enjoy your children now!!

  2. For Earth Day I'm going to conserve water and not do the dishes that DH was supposed to do last night and I'm going to take a day off from doing laundry.
    Reagan and I are going to make a ball of scraps for the birds recycling some scraps of fabric, yarn and an onion bag and then take our other recyclables to the plant before PK this pm.
    She also wants to bake a cake of the earth, not sure if we'll have time for that though.

  3. happy earth day, chrissie! i wish i could tell you how impressed i always am with everything that you're able to accomplish! you seem to get more done in one day than i do in one week...and i don't even have four kids in the house!! and i can really appreciate your approach towards your etsy shop...i love to make all kinds of things, too, and it's always difficult to focus on one thing! have fun with your renovation! :)

  4. I love that Ava hair diddy. So cute. I need to try that. Thanks for reading my story...I got passionate today ;-)


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