Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Star Wars Room

Did anyone else get the new Pottery Barn Kids catalog this week?
I never thought my boys would be interested, until I casually mentioned the Star Wars Room. I showed it to them and Ashton carried the catalog around for days, asking, "Mommy, please, can we have this room?"
Well, friends, I couldn't give them the Pottery Barn Star Wars Room.

But I gave them the "Chrissie Grace" version.

Welcome to Logan and Ashton's (sort-of) Star Wars room.

They do share the room, and it's only 10 x 10. So we can't have a lot of clutter. It drives them, oops, I mean, me, crazy. We cleaned and decluttered like crazy in there before we started.

The Star Wars sheets at Pottery Barn are $59 for a twin set. I bought ours at Target for $15.

The Galaxy Wall Art in the catalog is listed for $299. I know the one I painted isn't that great (I'm sorry, I've never drawn Star Wars characters before), but it is a 3 foot mural in their room. And it was free. Plus, they love it.

Ok, so keeping it real here folks. It's not my favorite room in the house. But it's clean. It's pretty organized. Most importantly, my boys are happy and feel like their Mom did something special for them. And that makes us all happy:)


  1. Awe, I think that is SO special that you are listening to your boys and giving them a room that they will love to be in!

    ...and I don't think anyone could do a better job on R2D2....:) (that's the little robot dude's name, right???)

  2. Very cute! I like that you did it on a budget and didn't go out and charge the whole pottery barn room. You made it your own!

  3. What a good mom you are! and I have a soft spot for star wars. I mean my email address IS if that gives you an idea! I just love those space freaks!

  4. I am definitely showing this post of yours to my sons! Love your mural!

  5. I LOVE this! I have a 5 year old boy who is obsessed with Star Wars. You certainly did do something very special for your boys, they will remember it forever. All Paul got was some Star Wars wall clings from the dollar store :) but you have inspired me, I may try curtains...


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