Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You are an Original

I had one of "those days" yesterday. You know, where you go to bed in tears because it was just so long...and you feel kind of like a failure. Your mind starts racing about all that you did wrong. I could've been kinder, I could've been more patient, I should've gotten more done, I should've finished that project. And I got on the computer right before bed to unwind with my blogs, but it put me in a different place. My place of inspiration put me in a place of comparison.
Does it ever seem to you that everyone else but you has it "all together"?

I'm feeling much better this morning after reading Crystal's thoughts...and I realize how much I need to let go of all this expectation I have on myself.
I love the inspiration and excitement I get from reading other people's blogs, but I'm never going to measure up to anyone else. And that's good-right? It makes me ME, and my life MINE.
Here's a couple of quotes I thought I'd share with you, just in case you can relate a teeny tiny bit...

Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.
-Katherine Mansfield

O God Help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is! -Macrina Wiederkehr

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'll be back soon with some new art:)


  1. There really is comfort in numbers. :) We had one of those days yesterday too...hope today is better for us both!

  2. Hmm. Funny you feel this way because when I discovered your blog I thought, "I need to get it in gear!" Here you are with FOUR children to care for (mine are grown) and you are a successful artist, author and blogger and I'm SURE a successful mother. One of the quotes I go to when I don't feel like I'm where I want to be in my mosaic career is this, "In order to hear your calling and answer it, you must generously give yourself the gift of time. It’s not how fast you make your dream come true, but how steadily you pursue it." (Sarah Ban Breathnach) Be gentle to yourself... you're only human.

  3. Chrissie- I only know you through brief communications, but you are sooooo talented and creative. Every once in awhile we need a pity party for ourselves- it's okay. You have support out here from mothers and women in bloggyland as we have all experienced the same feelings. Great inspiration in those verses.

  4. I think we all have days like that, but I also believe that NO ONE has it ALL together, some people are just better at faking it than others! You are incredibly talented, and it shows to all who visit your blog.
    I hope today is better!

  5. Hope your day is better today! :)

  6. hi chrissie! yes, i definitely have tear stains on my pillow, too! i often feel inadequate with my artwork, and sometimes i have to walk away from the computer and the blogs and the you tubes...and just try to be the artist that God created me to be! your work is awesome, chrissie, and you inspire me more than you'll ever know! :)

  7. There must be something in the water because I was feeling this way this morning while mopping the floor and fighting back the tears and then a mom at drop off today told me she was crying in the car on the way to school because she just felt like she couldn't keep it all together.
    I think us Moms are just way too hard on ourselves.

    As Crystal said "There really is comfort in numbers"

  8. First off, ditto to every blog post before me today. Chrissie, I am totally sincere when i say that this is the best post i've ever seen! I especially like the Katherine Mansfield quote because it immediately made me think of my attitude when i was young and in college and nothing mattered but the art, and the experimentation, and it was all good. Age has tainted that somehow, but this post did it for me today, because almost every other day i doubt what i do as an artist, and feel i am alone. I guess i have friends after all! Thank you for YOUR inspiration and for speaking out loud!!

  9. Well I compare myself to you because I think you are pretty freakin amazing. You are so very talented and I feel like you are a risk taker with your art. I may have creative ideas but never takes chances in putting myself out there and actually making money at what I do. We all have those kinda days for sure.


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