Sunday, May 17, 2009


"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk".
-Thomas Edison

I love my thrifting and garage sales. I haven't been lucky though lately. In fact, I've been in a huge creative rut. But I want to tell you a story about how this 50 cent frame has gotten me going again.

I got the frame with matte and glass at a garage sale for 50 cents on Friday. It's got a little tear in the matte, but it's hardly noticeable. It was the only thing I found at all the sales I hit. I started thinking that I would make an original piece of art to put in it.

When I got home I was cleaning up some fabric scraps and I decided to play with them. I got in this blue mode and started cutting up quarter circles. I also used scraps of scrapbooking paper. I cut and glued and sewed to my hearts content for about an hour. I added the hand-embroidery that night and some beading. I ALMOST ALWAYS add words or quotes to my artwork, but somehow I couldn't to this one. I finally put it behind my upcycled frame.

My wheels were turning that night in bed. (Does anyone else have that "problem?") :)
I have a solo exhibit coming up in the fall. After making this piece I've decided to do a whole series of mixed-media pieces with spending very minimal money. Here is the criteria I've created for my new "green, recycled" series:

  • The frames will have to be purchased used or given to me for free.

  • All of the elements (paper, fabric, beads, thread, etc.) will have to be purchased used, given to me, or already be in my stash

  • No words (gulp...) This part is a personal challenge for me

  • Experiment with new recycled parts and pieces

(I don't know why this image is sideways, sometimes blogger gets wonky on me)
Anyway, I love how life's creative juices sneak in when we least expect it. I'll keep you updated on my new series as it progresses.

For other thrifty treasures, don't forget to check out Rhoda and others at Southern Hospitality, as well as Kimm over at Reinvented!:)

(Edited to add:) Wow! There are a lot of recycling parties out there. There's another one for your enjoyment at A Picture is Worth 1000 Words.


  1. lOVe it! great challenge for yourself too.

  2. Oh my goodness, Chrissie! That is fantastic!!! I quilt and have quite the fabric stash. You've given me some great inspiration. Thank you!

  3. Very cute! I love it! The colors are fabulous!

  4. Great job, I need to use up my stash too !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  5. SUPER cute!! I love that! You are very creative :)

  6. What wonderful talent you have and I love the colors. I will be checking out the rest of your beautiful blog now. :)

  7. LOVE this!!!!!! I think it is my favorite!

  8. Oh wow! How pretty that is & you got all that inspiration from a 50 cent frame. I love all the colors in that & admire your creativity & artistic abilities. I'm afraid I don't have that, just the ability to hunt down junk. Thanks for playing.

  9. fun!!! LOVE the art.

  10. I hate when I get in a rut. Glad to see you are out of yours.

  11. Love the cupcake header.

    I added you to my top ten blogs list.

  12. Chrissy,

    This is a beautiful piece of artwork! I am so happy that you are out of your rut, imagine if you hadn't gone to that garage sale?!!

    I admire your resolve and goal to use all recycled items for your fall collection of these mosaics (?). I am sure a lot of people will be impressed by that not only in an environmental way, but that you are creative enough to work in that realm.

    I just love this~thanks so much for sharing! :-D


  13. You are very creative. The frame turned out really nice. Love the colors!...Christine

  14. I love it. Very artistic and creative.
    Don't you hate it when your muse takes a vacation!

    Now you have inspired me.

  15. Love your project and the color scheme!

    Thanks so much for linking to 2nd Time Around!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)