Sunday, July 12, 2009

Funky Houses

Remember when I showed you these houses last week? I got them for 99 cents a piece at Goodwill. I had so much fun repurposing them. (Too much fun, I think:) I worked on them off and on all weekend. I had so much fun creating them that I may ask my husband to help me cut some more out of wood.

I've got two more houses to finish, and I'll be sure to show them to you when they are done.
Go to Rhoda's for her weekly linky-party of thrifted treasures.
Happy Monday:)
Updated: I'm also linking to Kimba's DIY party today.
You can go here to see the other completed houses:)


  1. Yay! I'm so happy to see what you did with two of the houses. They're adorable!

  2. Um, are these going to be for sale? Please? These are perfect. LOVE THEM.

  3. want!!! they are adorable and i love the simple sayings you put on them! hoping these will show up in your shop???

  4. They turned out super cute!

  5. Wow, you are so creative! I just love how you painted the houses ... they came out so awesome! Thanks for sharing ...

  6. Those are FREAKIN' adorable! So fun! Great job!

  7. So very cute - great job, love your painting !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  8. they are absolutely incredibly adorable - I love them!

  9. I love the flowers you put on the one house! Great colors you used too. How creative of you to see the possibilities in these!

  10. You are one talented girl! These are so fun and whimsical. I love things like that. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to seeing the rest.

  11. So cute Chrissie, you are so talented! I love what you did with them and your painting is amazing!

  12. So cute! You are very talented, they sure look different than when you found them.

  13. Great job on the houses.

  14. I remember seeing those and congratulations on doing such a fun job painting them . Now I need to look at things we new eyes.

  15. I love these. You are so creative!
    Thank you for sharing!

  16. Love them! They are so colorful & fun!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)