Friday, July 17, 2009

Hello, it's nice to "meet" you:)

Someone just emailed me to let me know that Chris from the infamous Just a Girl mentioned me today in her Feature Friday. I was so pleased that I think may have even blushed. I love that blog!

If you are here visiting, welcome. And while I'm doing formalities, I do want to give a shout out to the new people who have signed up to "follow". I love all the sweet comments you leave, and I just love making all these new friends. So thank you for reading.:)

Blogging is so much fun, isn't it?


  1. well deserved comments too!

    And I feel special too since you chose to put the picture of my "she told herself" which is sitting over my desk as inspiration.

  2. Happy Friday, Chrissie. Just wanted to mention that I sent the book out to Sandy today. I tried my hand at embroidery.....or at least hand sewing. I so enjoyed it!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Loved your blog...Just blog hopping tonight and found yours. I have enjoyed reading it.. I love seeing all the different blog designs. Have a Happy Sunday!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)