Friday, September 11, 2009

God is Great

Our kids take turns saying grace before we eat our meals. I thought it would be cute to make a painting of one of our favorite blessings. It's painted on a piece of wood. I hung it in the kitchen by our eating area.
Turquoise and red is becoming a theme in my house.

I made some 4 x 4 prints and put them in frames. If you want one, I have some in my etsy shop. There's black frames...
or white...

Does your family have any blessings that you use regularly? One of my other favorites is this little song: Oh the Lord is good to me, and so I thank the Lord, for giving me, the things I need...the sun and the rain and the apple seed, Oh the Lord is good to me!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!:)

xo, Chrissie


  1. Adorable! We used to say that same prayer growing up :)

    Enjoy a great weekend!
    ~Michelle :)
    (Treasure the Moment)

  2. i love this! i've actually been working on incorporating color in my kitchen (we live in an apartment) and my colors are red and light blue! I might have to check out your etsy shop :)

  3. this is so cute, chrissie....we said this at every meal when our kids were growing up....and we still say it now that the kids are out on their own! :))

  4. i love this!! i love red/turquiose together, my laundry room is done in those colors!


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