Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On the 9th day of Christmas...

we painted one of our glass doors with paint.
I got the idea from the ever-creative Sara Mincy, who always shares her colorful and fun family friendly activities. Like Sara, we just used the cheap $1 acrylic paint bottles. (It comes off very easily when your ready to wash it off)
I used black and quickly painted in the lines of the designs. It acted as a "coloring page" of sorts, so the kids had a clear guideline of what to paint.
Then the kids helped me fill it in.
Obviously, you see every stroke you make. I love the results. It looks like a giant piece of folk art!
It was a really fun family activity to do together!


  1. SOOO stinkin' cute!!

  2. Great idea, and it came out so cute!
    I am sure the kids, and you, had a blast doing it.

    Crissie, your book is ready to be mailed - sorry I have not gotten it off sooner. I pulled my back last week and it set me back a bit.

  3. I love this! But I can definitely tell you are an artist. I'm not sure it would look as cute for me.

  4. WONDERFUL!!!!

  5. That is adorable, Chrissie! I wish I had a dfoor to paint like yours!

  6. awwww, NICE! i'm totally doing this next year! how fun!

  7. LOVE it!!!!! Wow- what a great idea- to let the kids help. I love your design. GREAT JOB!

  8. Whoa!! We are SO doing this!!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  9. Chrissie- This is gorgeous! A family masterpiece! Lori

  10. oh i love this,, now if i only had a glass door,, i guess it would work on my kitchen window though.. thanks for sharing,, have a Merry Christmas

  11. I love it! It's great! Can't do it this year...But maybe next year....!

  12. Beautiful! I Know the kids had fun! I will get to see it Monday. What a special mommy you are. So many memories for my grandchildren to have when they get older! I LOVE ALL OF YOU! Mimi xo

  13. I love it. How much fun. Maybe we'll try that on our windows.



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