Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My thoughts on Organizing...

My brain works in very mysterious ways, even to me.
I definitely like to get lost in a very creative mess when I am in an artistic mode, which is very often a daily event. But clutter gets me jittery, so I am also constantly cleaning up. I love to organize! It's actually fun for me. (I know, I am a total nerd). The New Year always brings me a sense of order- I want everything clean, organized, and totally functional.

I got this idea from Clover Lane (who incidentally has a great post today).
Mike and I walked through our house, room by room, and pretended we were potential buyers. What needs to be done to make it market-worthy? No, we aren't really selling it right now, but we wrote everything teeny-tiny thing that could be fixed, repaired, or improved. We wrote a list, and on one side are things we can do now, the other side are things that need to be bought or hired out. We will do the things we have list first, and then start on the other. So we have been working on things and really seeing big improvements. Feels good!

My closet was a half-day project! Here it is right before Christmas....
I used some Christmas money to purchase all the white organizational boxes from Ikea. I can't tell you how good it feels to walk in my closet now. It's a tiny closet anyway, so there's not room for a whole lot. But when there is a place for things it sure makes cleaning up and filing documents and photos so much easier!
When I purge and organize I feel so much more calm.
That is a neccessity when you are running a house full of noise and chaos!:)While the littles are napping, I'm off to paint our family room with a nice fresh coat of paint.
...and then hopefully tonite, I'll be back to creating some sort of messy art fun!
Have a good Wednesday friends!


  1. my closet is so lacking. i would kill to have it look half that good. oh, and my van. don't get me started on that death trap. gross.

  2. I love those Ikea storage boxes. I had such fun tidying my craft stuff before Christmas. I have loads more tidying to do this year though too.

  3. now will you come do my closets?? :) looks GREAT!

  4. I can so would think that with an artistic nature I wouldn't mind the mess but I find the opposite is true! If there is chaos about I just can't function and I feel out of I too am cleaning and organizing, then I'll take time to create!

  5. Great post! January is National Get Organized Month. :) ~ an organized home is a peaceful home!

  6. What an amazing idea with doing the walk through with notebook in hand. My husband & I are hoping for a job transfer in the next 12 months so we really need to get crackin on our to do list. Also your closet is simply fabulous..

  7. Oh, that closet looks great! Thanks for motivating me with your post. My hubby and I need to do the same list on our house. We've been needing to get door stoppers on several of our doors. How easy is that? A quick trip to the hardware store and we could have some things checked off the list. Thanks!

  8. Looks great! My closet is in desperate need of some organization!

  9. Looks great! My closet is in desperate need of some organization!


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