Sunday, January 10, 2010

Robie the Robot

When I post pictures of the kids or things we do together on my blog, I always show them.
In this case, it led to a little "I-wanna-be-a-star-on-your-blog-making-something-together" envy for a certain five year old.
So meet Robie...
We made him out of scraps of wood, paint, and bits and baubles we found in the garage.
The only thing we bought was the light switch at Home Depot for 78 cents. Cause you know, he HAD to have an on and off switch!
I don't know what these are, but they make pretty cool robot legs, right?
We had so much fun I promised we would make more. Oh, I can be talked into almost anything crafty!
Ashton also insisted that we post a picture of us Ashton, here we are. I love you bud.

Here's to many more robot making memories...:)


  1. LOVE the robot! We have GOT to make some!

  2. the doll...the it all! so awesome!

  3. That is SO cool, Chrissie! My 4 yr old would love to make soemthing like that. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Dear Ashton and Mommy, How cute! I love Robie the robot! Your
    Mommy is the best! He is so cool! I can't wait until I get better so I can meet Robie the robot and Nailpolish! Logan's next (or) Jackson. Guess who? Mimi (X)(O) Lots of love!

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  6. So cute and creative. I love it!

  7. I need to borrow a five year old -- that is the coolest robot!

  8. This is one awesome robot! You are a very creative family!


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