Sunday, January 17, 2010

Still Crafting...

I cried all the way through church this morning thinking about the children over in Haiti.
I do feel better today knowing that there are so many opportunitites to help...not only locally but all over the web. I'm sure you've heard about Craft Hope for Haiti. If not, please go over there and check it out.
So much goodness going on admidst the grief.
My therapy? Eye candy. So much color it makes me want to squeal!
I really want to make this quilt:and this little one:and because I don't have enough hobbies, I am soooooo tempted to run to Michaels and buy yarn and needles to learn how to make this:Please persuade me not to. Help me out here!!!:)

I will be using my computer time for the next couple of days doing whatever I can to add my small efforts to Haiti. I will let you know as soon as I have some stuff listed on!
I will also be spending time doing THIS.
I also have some new art and sewing to show you:)
So come back soon friends.


  1. I found the Howerton's blog through Joy's Hope too. I don't know if you're on Facebook or not but there are some scripted letters there for use. I sent one to my reps on behalf of the Howertons today. The FB group is called "We want Humanitarian Parole for Haitian Children Being Adopted." You can use the scripted letters and the information on the Howerton's blog to create a basic letter to send out. Good luck and God bless! Veronica

  2. We never saw Granny J. sitting on the couch witout crocheting. We all have something she made to remember her by. Love Mom :)


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