Thursday, February 25, 2010

Something bold...

Two or three weeks ago Steve Brown preached at our church. He comes every few months and I love to hear him speak. This particular day I jotted the quotes below in my notebook. It's not exactly something he said, but what I got out of that particular sermon.
I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wanted it to be something that would live in our house for our children to see every day. For ME to see every day. So I got a scrap piece of wood out of the garage, painted it black, and printed the words out on my computer. I traced them onto the wood and painted them white. I know they are a little crooked, but that's okay. It's a big piece of wood and I love the boldness of it.
I hung it in the dining room. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you probably notice that I moved my furniture again. I move my dining room furniture it seems every 6 months. My husband loves it! haha
It's back where its supposed to be now...:)
I still have my Valentine banner up. I love it and the colors so for now it's staying...:)
I am desperate to change out that brass light fixture from 1982 to an updated one. Maybe with a little tax money we can accomplish that...
My mother-in-law bought us this dining room set about 6 years ago when we moved into this house. I have wanted to paint it 10 different times but chickened out every time. I think one of these days I will redo the seat cushions with a fun fabric though.
I don't collect dishes so my collection of Willow Tree Angels lives in my curio. It used to be twice as big but I sold half of them on Ebay a couple of years ago. I kept my very favorite ones. I have some precious family pictures and doo-dads that were my fathers.
On the top is my antique birdcage, and my only fake plant. I have it on that clear box until I can thrift something cooler.
I forgot to take pictures of the other artwork on the opposite walls, but this one is my favorite. Rachel does a really sweet job on these.
One day I'd like to quilt some runners for the different seasons for my table. The plants are there because we get some good light in that room. But here's the kicker. We NEVER eat in that room. Maybe once or twice a year. What about you? Do you use your dining room a lot?

(oh, and thanks for all the book suggestions! I have them all written down and we will try them all!:)


  1. love, love, love your inspirational words!!! thanks for sharing your dining room with us too, it's all so pretty! perhaps youcould check out vintage or goodwill shope for a used chandelier, you might just stumble upon a bargin.

  2. I love this sign - what a great idea for keeping verses, quotes, ideas you want to remember.

    I move the furniture in my home quite a bit. My husbands worst fear is he will go blind and trip over something! :)

    I like to use things differently than they were made for.
    Since you don't use your dining room as a dining room, how about making is a library/dining room. You could house books in your cabinet as well as your sculptures. Arrange some coffee table type of books on the table with some candles or vases. Add a comfy chair and table in the corner with a reading light.

    Just a thought! :)

  3. I love this! Great quote! And it looks really good on the wall.

  4. I loved that sermon and also look forward to when Steve Brown comes to preach. This is a great plaque! You do such amazing things :)

  5. Great words to remember from the sermon and what a wonderful way to never forget them. The sign is great. love you dining room. I want to paint mine, too but haven't had a chance. I want to get to it this spring.


  6. I love your sign. It's amazing. I too have Willow Tree angels. Just a few. I pick them carefully. I love their simplicity.

  7. Our dining room is the first room you see when you enter our house. We use it as a "collect all" & only eat at it when family comes to visit.

    I think it would be fun to recover the chairs.. but painting seems like an incredibly difficult task! I love your sign!

  8. I want... no NEED something that says that in my home. That is exactly how I feel. I want to be true to myself... yet not judge others... and take their opinion with a loving heart. We don't have to agree... but we can still love!!! Oh, I wish I had your painting skills!!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)