Friday, July 9, 2010

Update on yellow and gray quilt

If you read my blog you know that I've been collecting yellow and gray fabrics for awhile now, and I've finally cut them up to join Crazy Mom Quilts quilt-along.

Oh, man!  You would think that cutting up squares and sewing them together would be easy.  But no, not for my abstract mind.  I have spent hours carefully cutting each piece, ironing them meticulously, and still, TOTAL imperfection.

You don't have to look real close to see that:
1.  I obviously flubbed up the 1/4" seam and
2.  Most of my squares don't match up.

Oh well.  I'm still having fun and I'm definitely going to finish the quilt up.  What can I say?  Practice makes perfect.  Or in my case, practice makes better:)

Have a great weekend Friends!

(Oh, and go to the Flickr group to see what others are making in the quilt-along!)


  1. i love it...yellow and gray have been my latest loves too!

  2. cute chrissie! the colors are very soothing together. don't worry about the seams...once it's all quilted and washed up, no one will even notice!

  3. now i know why i like you so much...i don't give a rat's bottom about matching up squares!

  4. i LOVE this!!! the grey and yellow is perfect.

  5. It came out really nice.

  6. It came out really nice.


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