Thursday, September 2, 2010

An Etsy Update and Painting Rainbows

I didn't get to finish up everything I wanted to, but that's okay.  There is always next week!
  I finally listed about 10-15 pieces in my etsy shop if you want to check it out.  Free shipping in the good ol' US of A :)
I wanted to surprize my kiddies today so I set up an art project for them.  Nothing fancy.  Just some good old fashioned paint and paper.
There is something about rainbows that I L.O.V.E...
We ended up with three of my kids and two friends. 
Only one of them attempted to do what I did.  I always find it interesting to see who wants to copy and who wants to do their own thing.
It's almost Friday and I'm ready for a three day weekend.  If I don't pop in before Monday, Happy Labor Day to everyone!


  1. little ones painting outside is a great idea. It looks like lots of fun and you don't have to clean the floors or walls afterward.

    have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Watching Children take what we show them and make it their own is a pleasure with no words to describe. All of these paintings are a joy. Take care.


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