Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prayer Flag One

Welcome to the first week of my prayer flag series.
I am making prayer flags for a few reasons.  One, because I love the way they look!  I think they are really beautiful.  Two, I am treating them all like little canvases, which gives me an opportunity to experiment with different techniques.  Last, I want to be more intentional in my prayers.
Below is a picture of the first one I made.  The theme this week is Gratitude.  I think that all prayer should begin with gratefulness.

If you are playing along, please don't get too caught up in the instructions.  Feel free to follow your artistic instinct.  You don't have to create exactly what I'm doing.  My instructions are just a guide and to act as a sort of inspiration. 
Let's get rolling with the tutorial!
I am using canvas paper for my flags.  I decided to go with 4.5 x 6", but of course go with any size you desire.

Make sure you brush all the salt off, and then you will the grainy texture left behind!
If you don't have a free motion foot on your sewing machine, there are so many other options for the word gratitude.  You could paint it on, use scrapbooking letter stickers, collage it with magazine cut-outs, etc.

You can use any fabric you'd like for the back.  Think about whether you will want each one to be different, or the same.  I found this colorful bedskirt at Goodwill and I love the colors.
Don't sew down the top or you won't be able to put anything in your pocket!
Do this when you have some quiet time.  Be intentional in your time.  Thank God for everything that you can think of.

Yay!  That was really fun.  I worked when I was all alone today so I could really reflect on my gratitude. It was a nice time.
 I can't wait to start on the next one.  Next week's theme will be Family.
If you have any questions at all leave a comment, and I will answer you in the comments as well.

Maybe when we're all done we can have a prayer-flag party and show each other what we made!:)


  1. love it! so much to be thankful for too. thanks for all the cute ideas. i know i will make these sometime soon.

  2. i love the idea of adding a pocket! i'll work on mine later this week. i really want to stay on top of this so i can have my own set to hang up. thanks for doing this series!!

  3. wonderful idea! i'll have to catch up some way, i want to!

  4. I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! it!
    I hope to be able to join in soon!!!

  5. i like the pocket element. it adds a connection in the physical sense.
    and i enjoyed seeing your process. the various layers and techniques used was fun.

  6. Very nice idea - I'll have to think on how I can adapt to my own style. I can see a series of these hanging in my studio. I love to create as meditation and worship, what a nice focal point to serve as a reminder of where this urge to create comes from!

  7. THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING THE IDEA! My prayer life needs a boost and this is great! I look forward to continuing with your posts.

  8. This is wonderful! Thanks so much for the idea! What a great way for a family with small kids to learn about prayer in such a tangible way. Thanks for the tutorial! Looking forward to exploring your blog!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)