Monday, October 25, 2010

My version

Remember I told you I was making my own version of this?  (Joy's is wonderful!)   Here it is:
We had this huge canvas that no one wanted in their bedrooms anymore, so the kids helped me prime it.
 I used the vinyl letters from Office Max and then primed over them.
 I worked on it for a couple of days.  I would add a few layers and textures, and then go back the next day and add a few more.
 This is my favorite part...I laid a doily down and spray painted over it.  You can see here where I started taking the letters off.
 I am happy with the result!
 Here it is again.  We have no natural lighting in this room, and I'm actually still making some tweaks in there.  But I love walking in and seeing it!
I'm linking up to Blessed Little Nest today, who inspires me to make lovely things.  :)
Happy Monday!


  1. Pretty! Love the colors and the verse.

  2. This is beautiful and such a wonderful reminder of how we should all live. Happy week to you...

  3. This is wonderful! What a great idea!

  4. oooooooooh!!!!! I LOOOVE it!!!
    Many Blessings!

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous! So impressed with your talent.

    Hope you'll visit my Life Made Lovely post when you get a moment...

  6. chrissie, this is awesome!! i love it. and i love the verse you chose.
    that heart soaring over it is great too. so glad you linked up, friend!

  7. Great verse, and great art! How fun!!

  8. I absolutely love this, really. Wonderful job!

  9. I love it and I am inspired to make something BIG to put in Soph's room!! Which room is this one in? Can't think of which one has no natural light.... I miss you!!

  10. Such a precious piece...great job! My heart did a slight flip flop when I saw the canvas you used as I have loved that one for so long!


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