Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 16- Gratitude

I met my friend Cheri about 8 years ago at an art show.  That was back in the days when I made lots and lots and lots of mosaics.  She bought one of them at the festival that day and became one of my most loyal customers, biggest cheerleaders, and also, a dear friend.
Last week, after a particularly difficult day, a box was delivered well after dark.  I was so surprized to see this beautiful wreath, this fresh wreath made from fir, delivered from the mountains of North Carolina.  Guess who sent it to me?  My sweet friend Cheri!
Ava and I decorated it with some cute little ornaments and hung it in the foyer.  Our house new smells like Christmas!
I am grateful for friends like Cheri who do things out of the kindness of their hearts.  She didn't know how much this simple gift would lift my spirits! 
I hope you are all having a sweet week...can you believe that there are only nine more days until Christmas? :)

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet story. How very special to meet someone and connect like that. Remaining friends and supporting one another.



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