Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 2-Gratitude

I am grateful for our collection of Christmas books.
 We've been collecting them for almost ten years!  Starting on December 1st, we read one every night.
Yesterday I looked and looked, until I finally remembered that I boxed them up last year so that they wouldn't get lost among the other children's books. 

 Here our some of our favorites.  We always start with this one:
 This one has a great story.
 Classic.  We always make hot chocolate when we read this one...and sometimes follow up with the movie.
 I remember this one from when I was a child.  The illustrations make me feel warm and fuzzy.
 My kids love all of the Stinky face books.

I am also grateful for the kids who weren't in the mood to celebrate Advent last night.  Yes, the ones who talked and laughed the whole time I was reading.  The ones who ended up fighting right in the middle of the story.  Our story time ended up in tears.

I am grateful that we can try again tonite :)

Do you have any favorite Christmas books?


  1. Your new blog header is great! Our favorite Christmas book is The Christmas Lizard.

  2. I love your basket of special Christmas books. I too have some that I always enjoy year after year. Happy weekend to you...

  3. This day I was grateful for peanut butter samiches (as Sophia calls them) but now they have a banana stuffed in them and this is something new for our family and we simply LOVE them!!


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