Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 6-Gratitude

I'm grateful that somewhere along the way I've learned to make do and mend.
I made this Family Rules a couple of years ago.  I know I posted it sometime back , but can't find the link.
Anyway, I was moving a doll house last week and it got knocked down. 
The glass shattered everywhere! 
The frame was toast.
I was sad.  :(
Yesterday I remembered that I had saved another frame about the same size and it was waiting for me in the garage.  The matte is actually too big, and there is no glass, but I really like to have this hanging for the kids to see on a daily basis.  So I made do.

Here is a picture of the back.  Pretty bad, huh?  Oh, well.  It works for now.

One day when I have some extra money I'll have it reframed in the right size and add glass. 
But for now, Make Do and Mend.

Happy Monday! 
I'm linking up to Life Made Lovely Monday :)


  1. What a beautiful way to post your family rules... beautiful rules to follow also!

  2. this is so beautiful! your did such an amazing job on it!

  3. Your family rules are now even more special because they are made with loving hands and from the heart. Happy Holly Jolly...

  4. love it chrissie! what a fun way to remind the family of your rules. :)

  5. Wow. I LOVE this! For us the only thing that would need to be added is 'spread giggly love' Just beautiful and inspiring. I think I might just have to make one of my own. It’s sad that the glass broke, but thumbs up on the new frame. Take care.

  6. Hi friend. Today I am grateful for my fuzzy boots. They're old and ugly but man are they cozy and they fit my feet perfectly!

  7. How big is this and what did you make it out of? I LOVE it and want to do something similar for our family. :)


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