Friday, December 10, 2010

Days 10, 11, 12- Gratitude

I'm planning on logging off the computer this weekend, so I wanted to share with you my list of gratitude first. :)
Day 10:  I'm grateful for bloggers who are kind enough to share tutorials.  I found this project here, and it was a perfect project for today.  It didn't take long at all, it was free, and it certainly put some more color in my house.  I just love it.

 Day 11:
I'm grateful for this snack that tricks my sweet tooth...vanilla yogurt, mandarin oranges, and chopped walnuts.  It works!
 Day 12:
After three nights of freezing temperatures, I was shocked and delighted to find that this plant had bloomed overnight and we found three monarch caterpillars.
I think that's pretty amazing.
Have a great weekend friends!


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that happy color-filled garland!!! and I'm grateful your book (finally!) arrived!!! I LOOOOOVE it- you did an amazing job!! congratulations on a lovely piece of work!! looking forward to sitting back this weekend and pouring over each page!!
    Many Blessings!

  2. Hi there, I just found your blog through Jill's. That breakfast looks like a yummy treat and has three of my favorite ingredients. I'll have to try this. Thanks.

  3. I loved your gratitudes. And yes the blooming plant is amazing. I hope you will get to see the caterpillars blossom too.

  4. That garland is fab, the snack looks delicious and I see butterflies in your future!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. i adore that garland! i think i might try to make one and hang it as a long mobile. thanks for linking up!

  6. I'm going to have to try the mandarin oranges with yogurt and walnuts. You promise it will trick my sweet tooth?!

  7. Oh, what pretty colors from the garland to the bowl holding your snack and then the fresh blooms. Much to enjoy!


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