Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Years!
I just got done taking down all the Christmas decorations and after a little partying last night, I'm ready to scrub the house clean!

I love New Years day because I love making goals.  Do you want to hear mine for this year?

This year my intentions are changing quite a bit.  I've decided not to persue a lot of outside work.  I'd like to focus more on my role at home...embracing the day to day with the kids.  I'd like to be more present with them and spend less time on the computer and less time worrying about outside projects.  I'd like to focus more on healthy, home cooked meals.  I'd like to put my creative endeavors into finishing up lots of unfinished scrapbooks and photo albums.  I want to finish up all my UFO's.  I received a whole stack of beautiful books for Christmas, and I can't wait to try out some of the projects and make them as gifts.  I'd like to be more involved in the kids school and our church activities.  I love beautiful organization and I'm excited to see what I can do in our home to achieve that on a limited budget.  Keeping a clean house with little clutter is important to me.  I want to embrace my exercise routine again that fell wayside because of the busy schedule.  I want to finish off the last of our debt and declare ourselves debt free (sans mortgage) by the end of the year.  I want our family to spend a lot more time volunteering  for those in need.  I am determined to learn how to use my camera this year.  In manual mode.  Yes, I think I can do it!  Last but not least, I'm going to try to illustrate one piece of scripture a week.  At the end of the year, I'd like to print them all into a book to give as gifts.

Wow, that sounds like a lot of goals, doesn't it?  It feels good to have a plan and good intentions.  A clean slate.

Now, on to tackle the house... :)
Happy New Year blessed friends!


  1. Sounds like 2011 is going to be a wonderful year. Blessings Catherine

  2. You sound like a lady after my own heart - I am so in there with you, my thoughts are similar and I have also taken down my decs to clear the space for the year ahead. I know with the Lords help you will achieve all you set out to do. Beverley

  3. Happy New Year to you and yours, Chrissie! I can't wait to see all your goals realized. You are amazing. I was in Barnes & Noble last night and your book was smiling at me from the shelf. Felt like you were right there with me! Thank you for all your inspiration and support! Here's to a wonderful clean slate to fill! xoxo


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