Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I've been practicing a lot with my camera today.  This one came straight out of my editing! :)

Want to hear some confessions?

1.  Three out of six people in our home have been barfing since Monday and I'm tired.  I'm not one of those three, and I'm praying I escape the nasty bug.

2.  Remember when I said my goal this year was to "not to persue a lot of outside work"?  I've been dreaming of two outside ventures already...and it's only January 5th.  Ummm...?

3.  I've also been dreaming of a new house again.  One with a laundry room, and five bedrooms, and a studio, and a few acres where we can have some animals.  Then I wrestle with contentment, and wonder when it's time to work towards a dream and when it's time to make do.

4.  To make it even more complicated, I started thinking about fostering last summer.  My husband wasn't into the idea, so I let it go.  Now I have a tugging in my heart to explore it more, and I'm wondering if this is the time.

5.  So this leads me to my biggest dilemma of all...which is to learn to listen to God.  I ask him to lead me to the truth, and ask him what He wants me to do.  The problem is that sometimes when I listen all I hear is a language that I cannot understand.  It is probably my own selfishness and desires that is getting in the way of knowing The now my prayer is to learn to listen better.

6.  Last but not least, I am addicted to the Words with Friends app on the iphone.  Scrabble all day?  Can it get any better than that?


  1. Like your header! Need to change mine.
    Nothing wrong with dreaming. Without dreams, what would we have?
    Ready for a new year and all the great things it has to bring.

  2. amandansb

    come find me so we can play!!

  3. I have many of the same thoughts. Lovely Photograph~

  4. one of my new year's resolutions is to walk out the door with a mantra/meditation for the day. your post parallels mine for today:

    "lord, tell me where to go, what to do, and how to do it."

    where? what? how? perhaps we should focus our listening on the answers to those questions...


  5. I struggle with some of the same things. Especially number 3 & 5. Praying that you will find the answers you need this year and that God will open the ears of your heart.



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