Monday, January 31, 2011

in His grace is officially open!

After many years of making and selling a variety of art-
including mosaics, paintings, quilted items, home decor, photography, and collages,
I was told by "those" in the business that I needed to specialize in just one area
to ever REALLY succeed.
I had started to believe them
until I had a revelation one day recently.
As long as I was honoring
the word of God, I was already successful.
God would not give me
a love and talent for many
different types of art
if he did not intend for me to use them.

So, "in His grace" has been born.
All items are hand-made by me,
and reflect the beauty of Christ's love.

 25% of all proceeds
will go directly to CBC Seminole,
a local foster and adoption agency.

There are prints, pillows, original paintings, bible bags, mosaic birds, and books sitting pretty and ready to go.
I have a lot more birds and pillows in the works, so I'll be updating pretty regularly.

Happy February Friends!


  1. congratulations! I'm excited for you - and US! I know where I'll be shopping for gifts! I love your art...

  2. chrissie i love the art you featured in your post... and, am headed to the shop right now. i love how you reflect your love for Him!

  3. Congratulations on opening your shop. I wish you great success.

    I love the items you have featured here.


  4. I'm not even sure how I found your site, but this is just what I needed to see today. A friend and I were talking about how our time belongs to God and how we feel guilty to want to spend every spare minute creating something new for our pleasure. Our discussion was a long the line of how can we use our creative pursuits to the glory of God, and here you are doing it! Congratulations! I'm browsing your blog and will be sending a link to my friend as well. My God richly bless you as you pursue His glory!

  5. I love these! Will you have the "Who Can I Bless Today" in your shop soon? I'd love to buy it.


  6. I just came over here from Meg's whatever blog, and I'm oo-ing and ah-ing over everything I'm seeing! I am heading over to your etsy shop to put some things on my wish list! :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)