Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New to Her

Lil'Sis has been wanting some rollerblades, so when I saw a pair at Goodwill for $2 I picked them up for her.
She was super excited!  I taught her to "walk" in them...
she picked it up pretty quickly!

Until she fell...
But like most tenacious four year olds, she got right back up.
We were kind of jealous of the snow all the other 49 states were getting...
but then we realized it is pretty cool that we can rollerblade outside in the middle of January!


  1. This post makes me want roller blades again. How fun!

  2. We are being clobbered by snow. It's only fun for a short while and then we get tired of shoveling and freezing. Enjoy your weather.



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