Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday Scripture

God gave me this sunset tonite for Valentines Day, to show me how much he loved me :)
Well, he really gave it to all of us, to remind us of his love.

I was thinking of my Dad today.  If he were alive he would have sent me a card in the mail.  He never forgot I was his sweetheart...even as a grown woman he still sent me a sweet little note.    I was missing him and walked out the door to call the kids in for dinner, and this gorgeous sunset was here before me.  I immediately thought that it looked like Heaven.  My Dad smiling down at me.


  1. I just saw your work on blessed little nest and I love it! i have been dying to learn how to make mixedmedia art. I so love it! God bless you. Rachael from Maryland

  2. Breathtaking pictures. Made me think of the God who created them. Love all your Bible bags.

  3. Beautiful!!! That was a Serendipty moment for you. God is good that way.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day. This is a lovely reminder and beautiful pictures. Take care.


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