Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sweet Child Of Mine

I walked out of my daughters room with a big "hrumph".  My husband asked me what was wrong.

"Your daughter!", I said. " She is the messiest kid I've ever met.  Her room is trashed again."

To which he replied, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree".


When I met him I was full-fledged in art mode and was a little messy (ok, a lot)  myself.  But when I was messy it was creative.  Ok, she is pretty creative too.
In the morning before pre-school we do Ava's hair while she watches Curious George.  This is actually one of my favorite times of the day.  Her hair is soft and pretty and she lets me do fun stuff to it.
 I also love her glittery shoes and that she carries her jump rope around with her all day, practicing.  And now I have a picture, so I'll never, ever forget this time in her life.
 She loves when Curious George saves other animals...:)

How is it that my daughter is going to be five soon?  sniff sniff sniff
I am going to be a wreck when she starts kindergarden...

The child grew and became strong in spirit.
Luke 1:80


  1. u have a lovely daughter...God bless her!

  2. Beautiful! My daughter will be 31 this year and it seems like just yesterday I was braiding her long pretty hair. Soak it up while you can.

  3. What a sweetie she looks. They do grow so fast.

  4. Sophia and I picked up on the heart pixie dust in the last picture......I MUST know how you did that! Sophia would LOVE to have a picture with that in it!!!

  5. She is such a sweetie and a cutie.


  6. beautiful hair to braid! I can't wait til my daughter's got enough for pigtails :)

  7. I linked over from "Whatever" and before I came over to your blog, I checked out your Etsy store... WOW! It was like peeking into everything I want to do... ever...

    I'm getting my new etsy shop stocked and even though I haven't started on EVERYTHING I want to create, your shop pretty much sums it up.

    Your items are amazing and I'm in awe....

    Oh.. your daughter is beautiful! I remember when my daughter was 5 (11 1/2 years ago). Cherish this time! :o)

  8. find my way to you through Meg at Whatever...and by the Grace of God!

    I look forward to looking at your art work and past posts...I love finding new inspiration and am always so encouraged when I see people using their God given talents and abilities to inspire others.

    And I braided my daughter's hair last...heaven :-)


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