Monday, March 7, 2011

Family Rules

While I was away last week I had time in the evenings to myself, and I spent most of that time painting.  Painting and reflecting on things...

I have been so inspired by this blog and her way of decorating her home...decluttering your home and mind of "things", leaving only those items that are special and useful.

I decided when I re-opened my etsy shop that I would only fill it with items that I felt supported a healthy and lovely lifestyle...things that made you feel good and  were honoring the words and deeds of a Christian home. 

(this mirror is another Goodwill needs a nice coat of spray paint...I'm thinking lime green?)

on a random side note:
Did you know that you can make your own japanese washi tape by cutting a piece of your favorite ribbon and putting a piece of double-sided tape on it?

Although I FULLY enjoy my job as an artist and author, I still consider my first and top priority raising and taking care of my family.  I like the art in our home to reflect our morals.  I'll be sharing my thoughts with you all week on that subject.

(The new Family Rules print is available here in my etsy shop.)

I'll be back tomorrow with more new art and a lot more in depth thoughts that I have had recently.
Happy Monday!!

Linking up here today:


  1. very cute!!!

  2. How cute! Every family should have a set of guidelines and mottos to live by! I need to do this.

  3. I love your work! I found your blog from 320 Sycamore.

    Your esty shop can be dangerous for me! :)

    I am having a giveaway also if you'd like to check out my blog too.

  4. you are so smart! i would've never thought of that tape. love your guidelines!

  5. Love the family rules.


  6. Love it Bought it!



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