Monday, April 11, 2011


Will you take a trip with me down memory lane?  Today is my baby girl's real birthday, and since we already celebrated, it's kind of a normal day.  But this momma is feeling all sentimental and weepy...

We already had three boys so when the tech asked me if I wanted to know what sex the baby was, I had already decided it was another boy.  When she told me it was a girl I cried!  I didn't realize how much my heart yearned for a daughter, and I was blessed beyond belief!

Would you believe that at this picture, 27 weeks in my belly, Ava was being called Kaya?  We changed our minds at the last minute...

Five years ago I went into my OB-GYN for my 36 week check up.  While he was checking the heartbeat, he noticed my tummy was tightening up.  I told him they were just Braxton-Hicks, I had been having them all week.  He put on the monitor just to check, and about 30 minutes he checked me.  I was already 5-6 centimeters!  I had her about 2 hours later :)

I thank God every day for this precious little girl!  It is such a joy to be her Momma :)


  1. Such a precious child! real God's blessing! She is getting even prettier with yesrs. Love her blond braids! So cute!


  2. awwww what a sweet girl...happy birthday!!!


  3. she looks like one of those kids i'd love to babysit :) so precious!


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