Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This and that

Hi!  I have a very random post today...Photos of this and that...

Ava found these yesterday in her Daddy's closet...I couldn't help but laugh!

Our photobooth collection is growing...I want to think of a super creative way to display it and still have room to add more...right now they are just hanging by tiny clothespins...But it makes me smile to walk by it every day...

Flowers on a Wednesday, just because...

 Sneak peek of a custom mixed-media mosaic mirror that I am working on...of course I will show you the finished product after it's delivered!  :)

How my salmon looks before I cook it...with olive oil, lemon juice, and lots of fresh garlic...(told you this was random post!)

So proud of my boys...they both ran in Runners Club this year...about a mile three mornings a week before school, and meets on Saturday.  Logan did especially well, placing in the top 10 all season, even getting in the top five a couple of times.  He wants to run in middle school now :)  I love that our school promotes this kind of activity, our coaches are awesome!

The kids are still l.o.v.i.n.g the Crayola air dry clay...they make stuff almost every day!  Pinch pots are Ashton's current favorite...

I caught this one in action this morning...this set of trains with tracks is really the only toy that has survived all the way from my oldest.  Makes me happy and nostalgic to see him playing with them...he calls them his choo-choos...

Last but not least on this very random day...
A large, happy pile of fabrics waiting to be ironed, cut, and sewn.  I have to tell you that I totally underestimated the time/cost of making my checkbook covers...unfortunately the new batch will have a slightly higher price (about $3)  than the original batch...I hope my etsy customers understand...  I'm also making a new product that I can't wait to show you...hopefully early next week if all goes well...

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Fun post! I know what you mean about etsy and prices... I once embroidered an 8 x 10 DETAILED item custom order and only charged 20 bucks {she was a repeat cutomer so I gave her a break} by the time paypal took their cut and I grossly underestimated the shipping I basically PAID her to take it... YIKES I think people will understand... BTW the cursive paper print fabric is my FAV. Do you order that or does Joann's carry it??

  2. can't wait to hear about the new product and the mirror is looking cool already!

  3. I LOVE your random posts. Thanks for sharing! xoxo


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