Thursday, June 23, 2011


My wierdo brain needs a different type of stimulation...after sewing and sewing and sewing, I need  to work in a different tactile medium...I have been daydreaming of working in wood.
I made this key hanger a few years ago (hence the scanned picture):

I have big ideas for new ones...and I made a deal with myself that as soon as I finish up a big batch of Pillows for Davis, I am rewarding myself with an afternoon of paint, wood, and scraps of junk :)

Speaking of Pillows for Davis, today is Amy's birthday!  Happy Birthday Friend!
One more week of Pillows for Davis...or you could go right here to make a donation :)

look at that sweet little face...:)

I also wanted to mention a wonderful give-away going on.    Katy  from scottyboy and katygirl has decided to use her 30th bday as a way to bless others and has gathered 30 items from the handmade and vintage community to giveaway in exchange for books.  Every book bought from a Joyful Life Library
wish list is an entry to win this amazing loot. Buy two books, get two entries. Buy 4 books, get 4 entries. All books purchased from our wish lists will be sent directly to the sponsored hospitals, and will begin bringing comfort to the children and families that need it.



Oh, and I wanted to share this quick little cutie project with you.
Ava had a playdate with a couple of girls this week and I thought it would be a good time to make the infamous rainbow streamers.  We did the rainbow ones and then Ava had a great idea to make watermelon catchers :) 

We hung hers right above the kitchen table!

Have I mentioned how much I love Vacation Bible School?  A break from 9-12 every day this week has done a Momma good...:)

Have a happy day Friends!



  1. I agree. VBS is the best. I love how my girls come home singing songs and getting on fire for God. Good stuff. :)

  2. so cute! i LOVE that key rack btw!!!

  3. Cool ideas. I love the key rack too.

  4. I love the saying on that wooden sign. So cute. Can't wait to see the new ones you make.


  5. I love the house:O)Enjoy your free time:O) Have a great day!!


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