Friday, July 1, 2011

My little house :)

Hi!  Happy Friday!
I did make the time for myself to play with some wood, paint, and glue.
Turns out it didn't become a key rack...but I had so much fun I think I'll make some more.

 It measures about 12" x 8 "...

 It wanted to be up on a shelf in my art room for now...

I just love the little picket fence :)

Have a wonderful looooooong fourth of July weekend!
Let freedom ring!!



  1. oh wow!! that is GORGEOUS!!!

  2. LOVE 'we do loud really well'. LOVE it!

  3. don't know what I love more - the house itself or the sentiment it expresses; together, it's perfection!

  4. I love that saying - so fun :)

  5. it's amazing! i love it. :) thank you so much for your inspiration! you've inspired me to step out of the box and create something brand new. :) you are a blessing! lora


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