Sunday, August 28, 2011

Glittery Clothespins

Reason # 3,897 why I blog:

It's the only place I can share 10 pictures of my glittery clothespins and know someone else will think they look as cool as I do!  :)

p.s.  I've had my Martha Stewart glitters for almost 2 years because I'm so stingey with them.
This is one project I was willing to use them on.  ;)



  1. do i here a "nerd alert"!!

    ....i won't lie, i do wish my clothes pins looked that cool! :)

  2. Oh that is neat, Thank you for the idea. A little magnet on the back would make them great for hanging up fridge art work :) Take care.

  3. Totally awesome!!! Love your pegs and your blog!!!

  4. Okay, my grandma would have loved to have those for doing laundry. :)


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