Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog Header Come to Life

As I was planning out how I would decorate my booth as a vendor for The Creative Connection, I wanted to use the banner that was created for me when I had my blog redone.
(Heather and Katy did it for me, and I loooove it!)

At first I thought I would take the original banner created and have it blown up really big to hang in the booth.
Than I had an idea to re-create it as a real life quilt.
I'm so happy with how it turned out :)

Linking up here:)
Happy Labor Day!



  1. That is beautiful! What a treasure!

  2. That is fabulous! Im drooling over here!

  3. Your banner is so amazingly awesome. I love how you have several different media mixed into the quilt. It is so you. Wonderful!

  4. Love your header, and your banner is gorgeous!!! Great idea, and best of luck to you at Creative Connection! :)

  5. That is totally awesome!!! Are you going to offer versions of this for sale in your etsy store?? I would love to have one!

    it is just a thought!

  6. Gorgeous, you are SO talented! Love it!

  7. it came out perfect! What a great idea!

  8. oh my gosh...that is so beautiful!!!

  9. WOW!!! Totally beautiful! I hope you will link up with me here:


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