Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Checkbook Covers

New Checkbook Covers...all available here

I have another dozen that are almost finished...I'll list those soon too!
Happy Tuesday :)



  1. These are sooo cute!!!! Love :O)

  2. I saw you at TCC and you are an amazing artist! You have such an eye for color. Walking into your booth made me smile. It was great visiting with you too. I love your design but also know that you are sharing your faith. I wish you only the best...so excited about your next book!

    christie daugherty

  3. Such as beautiful transformation! Absolutely fine, i absolutely love this pretty post! Those pics are sooo cute!

    Business Letters

  4. Chrissie, you make some of the loveliest checkbook covers I have ever seen! Now I can’t seem to decide which one to choose, everything just looks wonderful! Keep honing your artistic talent and I wish you all the best in your work.

    Harriett Faulks


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