Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Scripture

Recently I have been struggling with what God has in store for me and what I think I should be doing.
My recent prayer? 
That God uses me to serve in the purpose for which I was made.

Sometimes what God would have me do doesn't coincide with how I think things should be going...
Can you relate?
Do you have a hard time listening sometimes do what He is telling you?

Many blessings to you my friends, on this lovely Sunday!  :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

A busy week...

It's been a busy, full-of-life week.

It's been one of those weeks that was just packed full...
full of prior commitments, work, scheduled doctor and dentist appointments, Fall celebrations and activities at school, big projects due at school, baseball and dance and tae kwon doe...Every single day it's been up early and gone all day, going here and there and everywhere!
I can't handle weeks like this very often, or I get stressed out.  But every once in a while it's okay...and then I do feel glad to just be done with some things.


The weather has been so gorgeous that we have just been going outside after school and enjoying the coolness...I take advantage of these times because in Florida it is really the nicest time of the year.  It's not too hot, it's not too cold, it's just right :)


I am itching to be creative...and now that my must-do list has dwindled down significantly, I know I will be making some new stuff soon.  My brain and sketchbook are filled to the brim with inspiration and ideas, and I am so excited to get into my studio and get messy!

I hope you have a blessed weekend!  I'll be back on Monday to share some new art :)


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Some Cute Halloween Crafts and a winner :)

I did this project with a couple of second grade classrooms. 
I was inspired by this project, and then I used this to trace the haunted houses.

The kids really loved this project.

Especially the pop out door.
That was definitely their favorite part.

Sorry for the horrible photo, but I cut the pop out doors for them before-hand with an exacto knife.

It took all day, but I think I did it with 40? kids.
So if you do it at home it won't be overwhelming.
Look how neat and organized we started out...

...and this is the end of the day!
It was worth it though for sure!

I did another one with the Kindy-kids...
I read them this funny book~

and then they made skeletons out of q-tips.
The girls put the bows on the head, and the boys used them as a bow-tie.
I wish I had taken a picture of all of them together.
The quirkier they were, the cuter they were!

..and that's about as spooky as I get for Halloween.
I don't like the scary stuff!


Thanks to those of you who left a comment on my 600th post.  Are you wondering who won?

Erin, you won the two prints!  Please email your address and I'll get those out to you :)

Have a wonderful evening :)


Sunday, October 23, 2011

600th post/Sew to Swap/Shop Update/Small Giveaway

That is the longest combo title ever!
I have so many exciting things to tell you today!
I hope you're having a lovely Sunday :)

My new book Sew to Swap is officially shipping!

I will be doing a blog hop with all of the amazing and talented contributors in early November, and I can't wait to share more all about that soon!
I have a few signed copies of the book right here if you are interested :)

In other shop news, I am gearing up for the Christmas season.
In order to insure that all orders arrive by Christmas, I will only be taking pillow orders for one more week.
Please make sure that you get any custom pillow orders in no later than November 1st, so I can guarentee delivery for any special gifts :)

These pillows have been fun to make in different color combos!  :)

The name pillows are great Christmas gifts.
I love some of the new color combos and scriptures you guys have requested.
Some people have been ordering them with the baby's birth stats~birthday, weight, time etc.  So cute and personalized :)

Custom ones for grandparents is the sweetest idea!
It's hard to find things that say "Gee" and "Gramps"  :)

I've also stocked the shop with some new checkbook covers...

...and, last but not least, this is my 600th post!!
I can't imagine my daily life without blogging...
it's like my daily journal of sorts and it's been such a creative outlet for me...
Not to mention all of the wonderful people I have "met"!
Thank you for reading and being a part of who I am and what I do.

So, I thought I'd do a tiny give-away in about two 8 x 10 prints of your choice...
Just leave me a message telling me which two you'd pick, and I'll pick a random winner on Monday night.

Many blessings to you !

Thursday, October 20, 2011


This week just flew by!
I have been playing major catch-up, so if you have been waiting for a pillow from my etsy shop, expect it soon!

Fall came into central Florida today and it got chilly!  It feels like Fall and we couldn't be happier.  This afternoon was beautiful and I took the opportunity to take some photos of the kids.
Christmas cards, maybe?

Who is this 5 year old girl and why am I seeing glimpses of the young woman she will become?
Stop it already!!

Our sweet family mascot:

Mr. Serious...He's always thinking.
Big things. 

and... last but not Jim Carrey...

My sweet loves...:)
I am a proud Mama!

and I had to do a comparison shot from last year.
Wow, the fence is cleaner this year!  ...and they've all gotten so much bigger!
Here's to a great Friday and weekend.
I'm determined to get myself all caught up by Monday!  :)
