Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Scripture

Recently I have been struggling with what God has in store for me and what I think I should be doing.
My recent prayer? 
That God uses me to serve in the purpose for which I was made.

Sometimes what God would have me do doesn't coincide with how I think things should be going...
Can you relate?
Do you have a hard time listening sometimes do what He is telling you?

Many blessings to you my friends, on this lovely Sunday!  :)


  1. Beautiful Chrissie! I think the whole world needs more of Him and less of us! THanks for sharing...

  2. This is a beautiful prayer!

  3. thats exactly where i am too. Im grateful that God knows what he's doing cos i sure don't

  4. Such a great reminder and I love the pillow you made for Miss Becky at Farmgirl Paints :)

  5. I can relate, oh my how I can relate! I love the prayer and reminder. :o)

  6. i struggle with this every day too.
    thank goodness we have such a patient and loving Father!

  7. Oh Chrissie I so identify! My life has totally changed with our move and I'm still trying to discover God's plan. One thing I think I'm learning...that I've got to quit trying to make my own way. His timing is not my timing for sure!!
    Wishing you a blessed and extraordinary day!
    P.S. I just discovered you through Pinterest - don't you love it?! And will be 'following' you.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)