Monday, October 10, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

Anyone else as addicted as I am?
I think candy corn is either you love them or hate them item.
I happen to love them...
too much.
This bowl is long gone!

Homemade spaghetti sauce...
Don't worry, I did stir it!  lol

This little guy is officially either Spiderman or Power Rangers man.
I bought him a cowboy costume for Halloween...
let's see if he'll wear it now.
He tells everyone he's going to be a Power Ranger,
but that's not going to happen this year!

Minimal Decorations this year...

Ava had her first art show yesterday!
She tagged along with me and almost sold out!  :)
We have big plans for the future...
a mother/daughter shop ;)

I swiped this photo from Facebook...Ava conducting business!

I wanted to say thank you to all of you who donated to the Jupin adoption fund...:)
and I'm sure you'd like to know who the winner is of all the loot!

...and the winner is:

songskatesang said...
9/29/11 10:39 PM

Congratulations Kate!

Happy Monday to you all!


  1. LOVE Ava's art! good for her!
    and I too....LOVE candy corn! gonna go buy another bag today!

  2. Mother/Daughter Art Show! LOVE IT! What a happy thing you two have together. So sweet. xo

  3. Love the mother/daughter idea! :)

  4. congrats kate!!
    thanks to all who donated! every penny counts!
    ava is adorable.
    and i love your hair.


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