Friday, November 18, 2011

A Quilt is Nice...Nettie

Today's modern quilter/contributor featured is an amazingly talented woman named Nettie.
Check her blog out over at A Quilt is Nice.
Nettie is super experienced with swaps and online quilting bees; her style is clean and original and fun.
Chceck out some of these beauties:

So fun, right?
There is much more where that came from.

Nettie also has an amazing tutorial on how to make rounded corners.  It's pretty genius.

Head over to Nettie's blog to see what she has up her sleeve for the Blog Hop today!  :)


1 comment:

  1. so, Chrissie, when you quilters use white for your quilts, is that a certain type of material? It always looks the same after being quilted, but I've never figured out what it is to purchase it! It reminds me of my grandmother, who had gobs of quilts I wish I had now!


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