Sunday, December 4, 2011

Introducing a new Ava :)

My little Missy-Moo decided to do it...she donated her ponytail to Locks of Love yesterday and got herself a cute new 'do...;)

 Introducing...the new Ava!!

 I think she looks precious :)

And in other news involving the Grace household, Alfie was very naughty and hung the kids underclothes all over our Christmas tree.
Can you believe it?

Happy blessed Sunday!



  1. She looks absolutely PRECIOUS!!

  2. Your little girl is so adorable. I just got the very same haircut yesterday! :)

    And the underwear on the tree!!!? Hilarious. Was this an adult who did this? :)

  3. i love her little crop! soooo cute and what a precious heart.

  4. I love this haircut. Short hair is the BEST!! It'll be so cute pinned back with cute bobbipins or headbands too.

  5. I love Ava's hair! She's looking all grown up now, mom! That special little girl has enough heart for 3 or 4 people! SO sweet.
    I love the elf's hilarious antics! So much fun!

  6. haha.... the underwear tree.

  7. proud, proud, proud!
    and i'm in LOVE with miss ava's new 'do!!


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