Tuesday, February 7, 2012

No Mo' Sugar

As delicious and pretty as this looks...

It's going bye-bye.
I'm trying this:

Except for the peanut butter.
I need the protein;)
Wish me luck!



  1. Me gustaron mucho tus diseños pasaré más seguido por aquí ;)
    Saludos Alita

  2. GOOD LUCK! Lovely blog, by the way...

  3. And you will feel so much better in 21 days! I lost a HUGE amount of weight in 2010 and this list was on my NO EATING list. Just get thru each day, even each hour , and you will do it! :)

  4. Wishing you "determination" (not luck)! You can do this!

  5. Chrissie, Two things..I can sooo relate to your post about only 30 minutes a day. Our family has literally been sick on and off for 3 weeks and the TV and computer have been on overload...We are parring back too and have a bit of withdraw but it is so good. The 2nd thing is I will join you on your 21 day challenge of no sugar. I have been cutting back on sugar for a while now so this is perfect for me. I will start on the 10th!!! I think I will post on my blog to see if anyone else wants too join in, it can be a great motivator. However natural peanut butter and low sugar scones are a must for me. :)So I guess I am kinda cheating..but no sugar in my tea. ;)


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