I love documenting 10 on 10.
Once a month on the tenth taking a photo an hour for ten consecutive hours.
Finding much life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day!
1. breakfast of oatmeal, strawberries, and walnuts
2. love the light when I make our bed
3. working on self-portraits with Kindergarten kiddos
4. unloading from the grocery store
5. lunch made from leftover easter eggs
6. chore time: watering the plants
7. dusting the piano
8. working on a custom order
9. spending four hours in the ER and thankfully coming home without any fractures, just some bad bruising
10. so tired after that trip I missed the 10th shot :)
Go to a bit of sunshine to learn more about 10 on 10.
Whoo I'm so glad that trip to the ER ended well! It puts photos 1 - 8 in perspective doesn't it?