Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I made something...

I'm slowly, but surely, getting my creative mojo back.
Inspired by this pin,  I found this spare piece of scrap wood in my garage and painted my own version.

This is our master bedroom.  It is meant to be gray and white, very soothing, with pops of color and whimsy.  I'm working on the pops of color and whimsy :)

The wood was already very weathered.  After painting it I did a light sandpapering and made the little pendant banner with some cute birdie fabric I've been holding on to.

Next...toying with some new ideas for my etsy shop.
We'll see what happens.  :)



  1. Love it!!! Love the verse:O)

  2. So cute! love the soothing grey color, and a great verse for your room!

  3. This is so cute. We just finished a study on Ruth. It is fabulous.

  4. Love this! Turned out really cute :)

  5. that is wonderful! really really love it. keep being creative... because if this is starting, then more is going to be even better!

  6. this is so sweet! i love the soothing grey and white in your room.


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